The King Kong game show where you attempt to be the ultimate Bez. The main aim is to survive two weeks of touring while taking a large amount of class A drugs.
The contestants will spend 14 days playing at various live venues dancing, shaking the maracas in the evenings and spend the rest of the time scouring the crappiest drug dens and scoring as many illicit drugs as one can ingest.
The winner will be the one who has scored the most drugs, played in the most mediocre way and survived the ordeal.
The judges will be Bez himself, teamed by the speccy pensioner from The Apprentice and Mark E. Smith from The Fall. All seasoned veterans of chemical ingesting and all night partying.
The name of the game is to have fun and stay alive, all interspersed with CGI recreation and pending Channel 4 lawyers decision on hard drugs shown in a post watershed slot.